I am a dad and husband, and today marked the first day back to school from Christmas Break for my one and only child, a thirteen year old daughter.
What's that got to do with the title? Squat, but taking her to school brought me past the local YMCA, which in turn sparked the topic. The Y in my city is pretty busy on most days, but the first few weeks of the year it is insane.
By 6:30 a.m., gym goers start counting their walk from the car as part of their workout. Hell, maybe I can offer shuttle service for some side cash. (mental note)
It is great that people want to take care of themselves, and New Year's Resolutions, however often unfilled, serve many a good purpose. Not for me, as I wrote that I procrastinate and border on lazy. Baby Jesus knows I could stand to lose a few dozen pounds, but we'll I'm going to die eventually so I figure why not die happy.
Don't get me wrong, I have some things that I would like to see changes made to in 2016, the year of the Monkey (being born in 1980, this is my year). The serious ones lime family, finances, and friends well that's just boring. So here instead are a few trivial ones.
1) I want to better answer surveys
Huh? Well some insight. I love surveys, the MiniSurvey app, the Nielsen ratings pamphlets, even the fast foot receipts. Matter of fact, I take pride in the Speedway and Rally's/Checker's opinion surveys I receive in my email.
The fast food ones always ask, "in the last 30 days how many times have you visited (insert fast food restaurant)."
I want to be able to pick something other than 4 or more. Look I like to eat and I'm good with it, but liking to eat crap is something I have to move past. Hell my bank statements yell at me about my fast food addiction. So I guess I'll try baby steps and get the answer down under that or more.
2) Accomplish something in Fallout 4
I was there for the Midnight release and have spent hours (just in case my wife reads this, I'll keep it to hours) working through the Commonwealth Wasteland.
However in that time I have not yet completed the main story. Actually, I think I barely got about 1/2 way through it before restarting with a different character.
I am always thinking of new characters and going so far as to creating back stories. Hell, just last week, my co-worker, the ubiquitous Blerdwords, had an hour long discussion on what our S.P.E.C.I.A.L. stats would be. So there are more characters to create.
I've stayed away from spoilers about the ending of the games but it is getting increasingly more difficult. I want to finish the game before everyone tells me that Severus killed Dumbledore. Speaking of spoilers...
3) Stop cheating the plots
I stayed strong for The Force Awakens. I could not see it until Sunday afternoon, but I stayed away from all spoilers. I'm sure you're thinking, well duh...except I normally search out recaps and spoilers before watching the movie/TV shows I want to see.
I am the same person that became a corner unwrapping pro as a child. No matter where my parents hid my gifts I found them. Even now, I painstaking chart Secret Santa possibilities so I have a great idea who has who.
My goal is stop spoiling movies do that way I can feel some anticipation (I just shuddered while typing that).
Well that's all for me, for now. Does anyone else have any half-ass resolutions?
I've fallen into the Fallout character loop abyss also. My half arse resolution is too bee a beter writor...
ReplyDeleteI've fallen into the Fallout character loop abyss also. My half arse resolution is too bee a beter writor...